Goods delivered to our factory will be graded up, i.e. the duck content and the down content will be determinated.
After this step each of the incoming bales will be given an identification label.
This identification label will stay on each bale during the entire procedure.
All bales we know what went through workflow back to their reception.
According to the required qualities down and feather will be separated based on their specific weight.
Our company has five sorting machines, our daily capacity is 3,5-4 tons/day. The, in this was processed, good is the so called "chamber good" which contains feathers of diverse sizes and down of diverse contents.
According to the required qualities the goods will be homologised in our mixing rooms.
In this way guarantee can be given for the identical content of the bales going to be sold.
After having been mixed and baled the contents of the bales have to be supervised by our laboratory wether the quality meets the requirements of the buyer.
If it is required our goods can be pressed before being baled and sold, as well.
In this way both storage and transport become far more efficient. The maximum capacity of our pressing machine is 500 kg/bale, banded with steel or polypropilene ribbons.
Instead of delivering 9 tons of unpressed goods normally, a 120 m3 lorry can be able to deliver up to 20 tons of pressed bales.
For internal transport we use two lorries of 3,5 tons capacity each and one lorry of 12 tons capacity.
Forwarding agencies help us with delivering goods abroad, for overseas markets our goods will be containerized, of course.